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Russia the Beautiful

7 подписчиков

Western Caucasus mountains: pointed peaks, powerful waterfalls, deep caves....

Among mountainous regions of Europe and Western Asia the western part of the Greater Caucasus is unequalled in flora and fauna diversity and the state of their conservation. This is an area inhabited by many threatened, rare, endemic and relict plant and animal species. It is only here that the

Northern lights in the sky over Murmansk region

The sky over the northern regions of Russia often presents locals and tourists a colorful show. Let’s look at the beautiful views of the aurora borealis, also known as northern lights, over Murmansk region. Photos by Valentin Zhiganov Source: russiatrek.org

Road of Bones: beautiful land with macabre reputation

The stunning nature of Kolyma. Picture: Alexander Lesnyanskiy  Going through 'a door to another planet' is how photographer Alexander Lesnyanskiy describes his rafting trip to Kolyma on the route of notorious Road of Bones.  Its macabre reputation is well-known from the Stalin era, but, in

Mount Elbrus, the highest mountain in Europe

Mount Elbrus or Happiness Mountain is a dormant volcano located in the western Caucasus mountain range, in Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay–Cherkessia, Russia, near the border of Georgia. Mt. Elbrus's peak is the highest in the Caucasus, in Russia. Elbrus stands 20 km (12 mi) north of the main range

Komi: the biggest virgin forest in Europe

  The biggest and almost intact natural area is located in Komi Republic. Territory is acknowledged as the only place in Europe with primevalness of wild nature. Komi virgin forests are in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites (read about UNESCO sites in Russia here). Photo: Greenpeace The

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